Blog Journal #8

I truly enjoyed working on the Web Design assignment, it allowed me to experience what it would be to create my own class website. I liked how I was able to express myself through a website. Being able to create my own theme/aesthetic was really fun and interesting to do. I definitely love that the websites are free and I will highly consider using this website for my future class. I learned how important it is to make a website appealing to the eye and easy to follow as it can be annoying to not know how to navigate through a website, therefore I would say I would use the knowledge of learning how to make a website appealing to the eye in my future career as I would want my students parents to find it easy to use. Here is a link of my website:

Some new skills I learned from working with Diigo are how to annotate sources online and how to use an online tool like Diigo to track all my work. Prior to this class I had never heard of Diigo and I will say at first it seemed a bit intimidating to use but once you get the hang of it, it actually is pretty helpful. Diigo can be useful in my classroom as students can use it to do the same thing we are currently doing and also annotate their work and even peer review each others work. As a future teacher, I will definitely make note of Diigo to use in my future classroom. 

Staying up to date with the emerging technology that are never stopping can be stressful but as a teacher it is needed to be able to lessen the workload on yourself and the students as well. In this generation being up to date with technology is important as students are often up with technology as well. Following accounts that talk about new technology trends to use in classrooms can be very useful. I would use twitter as a site to stay informed of technology trends in education as you can follow more than one account meaning you have more than just one source of information.


  1. Hi Gina,
    I absolutely love how you have your blog set up. There is repetition in each post and the way that they all align is very nice. I really enjoyed ready your posts and your choice of design in the way the blog goes together.


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