Blog Journal #7
The teachers on the Leon High School website have different kinds of information depending on what subject they are teaching. Mrs. Hadden is an English teacher and her website included an introduction of herself and background information on her education. She includes her office hours. She includes helpful information for each different level of English class, such as creative writing and common lit. She also includes her syllabus in her assignments as well as many other teachers do. Something I noticed she does that was not common with all the other teachers on the Leon High School website is that she includes all her important due dates for her assignments and she also uses reminds for each one of her classes and having a class calendar. Overall, all teachers seem to include at least a welcome post, student resources, and assignments and some even use canvas which has information that you are not able to see publically.
Here you can find Mrs. Hadden's English class website:
Here you can find Mrs. Hadden's English class website:
In the future, I envision myself as a teacher that will use technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. As a student right now I rely a lot on technology to get my work done and it has always been efficient and effective. Microsoft Word and Excel are two of the tools that I will use in the future as I do now to create work and keep myself organized. There are many resources online that allow you to create a system where you are able to design it to input information and organize it for you. I definitely see myself still having a computer, laptop, and iPad all at the same time when getting work done because I am able to see multiple things at all at once.
My experience working on a wiki platform was really good. I truly enjoyed how organized everything was, although the site can seem very confusing at first it was really easy to understand. I will say I wish it was like google docs in the sense that multiple people can work on the same document at the same time. However, I truly enjoyed how you are able to have all documents in different files in a website format and how you can use it as Microsoft Word. I would definitely use a wiki with my future K-12 students to input all certain assignments or a weekly assignment onto their wiki as a group or individually.
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